Reaching our neighbor, the sojourner, the oppressed, the widows and orphans for Christ. 

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to

one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ 

~ Matthew 25:40

New Hope Connection envisions a day when refugees and immigrants are accepted, assimilated, and adopted into the local community in America. 

New Hope Connection partners with churches and individuals to offer health education classes, life skills training, and generationally-focused activities to engage people into loving relationships with refugees and immigrants in San Antonio.

The Children’s Hunger Fund works to provide churches locally and internationally with training and resources to reach suffering children through gospel-centered mercy ministry. CHF uses a unique model of delivering food packs to the children’s home to build relationships between families and the local church.

The San Antonio Pregnancy Care Center’s mission is to provide a Christ-centered plan for unplanned pregnancy.  The Center offers practical services and compassionate care including pregnancy testing, sonograms, peer counseling, community referrals, parenting programs, and post-abortion restoration ministry.

Blueprint Ministries exists to serve the elderly, physically disabled, and low-income homeowners of San Antonio by restoring substandard housing. Volunteers serve on construction crews, in the kitchen during camp weeks, or join a prayer team for the homeowners.


The Rosens (Czech Republic)

Jonathan and Veronika Rosen serve in the Czech Republic as missionaries with Josiah Venture. They lead their local church's high school and young adults' ministries as well as encourage and equip youth ministry leaders throughout the city of Ostrava.

The Castillos (Spain)

Miguel and Illaria Castillo serve as missionaries in Madrid with East-West, whose mission is to mobilize the body of Christ to evangelize the lost and equip local believers to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached. The Castillos plant churches and they also coach and mentor leaders and artists to expand God's kingdom and transform society with the Gospel. Miguel also serves on the leadership team of M4 Spain that equips and deploys dozens of church planters in the region.  

Africa New Life (Rwanda)

Africa New Life Ministries provides access to education, leadership training, and healthcare to vulnerable children, men, and women in Rwanda through church planting, Christian discipleship, and holistic care. The heart of Africa New Life’s model for breaking cycles of poverty is to provide access to education through student sponsorship.

Potter’s House (Guatemala)

For over 30 years, Potter's House has been walking alongside families and impoverished children (nicknamed the "Treasures") living in Guatemala City's trash dump. They work to empower the poor across Guatemala through five holistic development programs: Family Development, Education, Health and Nutrition, Micro-Enterprise, and Community Development.