We pray you can join us at one of our upcoming events as we fellowship together, serve together, and worship God together. 

  • Rwanda Mission trip

    Pray about joining us this June for a life-changing expereince in Rwanda! We are going to be having an informational meeting on Sunday, October 20, at 12:30 in the student center. Lunch will be provided. 

  • OCtober 27 - Trunk-or-Treat

    Invite your neighbors and friends to join us for this great outreach event on Sunday, October 27 from 5-7 PM as we open up our campus to our community and share the love of Christ with them. You can register to decorate and host a trunk HERE. No scary costumes or trunks please!

  • November 3 - Daylight saving time ends

    Turn your clocks BACK one hour on Saturday night and then join us for worship on Sunday at 9:30 or 11 AM!

  • November 8 - Women's FriendsGiving

    Come experience a night of gratitude and generosity in the Worship Center at 7 PM. 

    We will be preparing food boxes for the Children's Hunger Fund while enjoying a warm beverage and light bites. Register HERE

  • November 9 - Bridges

    Join us on Saturday, November 9 from 9 AM-1 PM for an enriching and equipping time as we seek to share the hope and love of Jesus with our Muslim neighbors. Register TODAY!

  • November 17 - Lunch on the Grounds

    Invite a friend to join you for worship and then stick around for a catered BBQ lunch at 12:15 from Smokey Mo's. Feel free to bring a side dish and a camping chair. 

  • WOmen's BIble studies

    Our Women's Bible Studies is studying the book of Nehemiah this Fall in the Children's Center. Join us on Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 AM or Wednesday evenings from 7-8:30 PM. Limited childcare is available and you can register here.  

  • Men's BIble Study

    Our Wednesday evening Men's Bible Study is also studying the book of Nehemiah this Fall from 7-8:30 PM in the worship center and you can sign up here!

  • Sunday Studies

    Our Sunday Studies is studying the book of Galatians this Fall. These adult studies meet at 9:30 and 11 AM in the Student Center. We would love to have you!

  • LIfe Groups

    Life Groups provide great opportunities to meet in homes to connect in meaningful fellowship, to study God's Word, and to pray for one another. If interested in joining a group, e-mail Doug Hurt at doug@christcommunitysa.org.

  • MONTHLY Mom Meetup

    M3 is a time for moms to intentionally connect and fellowship together! Meetups are every second Thursday from 9:30-11:00 AM at local, kid friendly locations. Once each quarter, we also host an evening gathering at a restaurant or coffee shop. Email info@christcommunitysa.org to be added to our contact list for monthly updates and locations!