grounded to grow

In 2016, Christ Community Church was launched as a campus of Wayside Chapel with a mission to reach the Stone Oak area of San Antonio with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. After several years as a multi-site campus, the congregation began taking steps towards independence. On June 5, 2023 we officially became Christ Community Church, an independent Bible church with a new vision:

To glorify God by reaching people where we live and work with the gospel by sharing the love of Jesus and the truth of God’s Word.

We believe that through sharing the love of Christ and gospel-centered expositional preaching, that Christ Community Church can build a foundation on the Gospel for generations to come.

The Need

Christ Community Church is currently in a three-year capital campaign to raise 2 million dollars.

By the grace of God and the generosity of our people, 

we were able to purchase the property in 2024 within the first year of the campaign.  

We praise the Lord that He has allowed us to impact our community where we live and work. This campus provides a wide range of ministry opportunities to help us achieve our mission throughout the week; such as men’s and women’s Bible studies, student ministries, children’s ministries, service and outreach opportunities. Our location also serves as a meeting location for other gospel-centered ministries such as Young Life and Bible Study Fellowship. In addition to meeting our current needs, this location also provides the opportunity for future growth and expanded ministry.


Raise $2 Million to Purchase Property

The total purchase price of the property is $4.5 million. This covers the land, buildings, and all existing equipment and furnishings.

Our first goal is to raise $2 million, which will leave us with a loan of $2.5 million. Utilizing a second capital campaign, we desire to retire the loan entirely by 2030.

Raise $1 million down payment for the loan (this was accomplished by September 2024). Raise another $1 million by January 2027.

The congregation has been incredibly generous in giving to the ministry at Christ Community Church. We ask that as you continue to support our regular ministry work as you prayerfully consider how to partner with the capital campaign.


Get Involved

This undertaking will require sacrificial giving, above normative gifts, from our entire church family. We have an opportunity to impact our community through Gospel-centered Bible teaching and discipleship. Here’s how to get involved:

  • Pray for the lord's guidance

    With God’s provision and sustaining power, we can achieve this mission for His glory. Please pray about what God would have you contribute to this campaign.

  • make a pledge

    Your generous giving will ground us as a church family so we can grow and impact the Stone Oak community for years to come. Please be prayerfully prepared to share your giving pledge during the campaign.

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3



  • We believe that God has called us as Christ Community Church to minister to the far north area of San Antonio. This location is central to where most of our congregation lives and works and is ideally suited to continue having our weekend services as well as weekly ministry. As Christ Community Church, we are excited to continue the mission of taking the love of Christ and the gospel to the people of San Antonio. This area has deep needs that only Christ can meet. We see ourselves as a guide to help people meet the true, life-changing Jesus Christ. As a community we seek to give clear direction from the Bible on how to live, work, and grow. The work is challenging, but the opportunity is great. We cannot wait to see the ways in which the Lord will change people’s lives for eternity through this family of faith.


by march 30, 2027